Saturday, December 24, 2011


Wait, you want me to "Goo!" to your animal shelter? I just don't understand.


Apart, Mercy and Pippi aren't that astonishing, but when you put them together, watch out!!! While I know this website is all about excessive exclamation, my favorite part of this photo is "Their Credentials Consist of: Love Love Love Love and More Love." Cat people are awesome.

Lost dog!!!!!!

You'd think that if you could scream "LOST DOG!!!!!!" that loud, you would be able to call your dog from just about anywhere they could have run away to, and they'd hear you. Did you ever think that maybe he doesn't want to come back because you're always yelling?

To be loved!

I laughed out loud with how the exclamation point was dropped on every comment, especially
"MY CORKSCREW TAIL!" Another great example of a person who was missing the period button on their keyboard.

80% off!!!

I was all excited about eighty percent off, even triple exclamation point excited. But, then I saw that it was only on select merchandise, and my emotions totally dipped.

Friday, December 16, 2011


They seemed to be going for some kind of English version of a Spanish exclamation on this one. !Hilarious!


Is it really this astonishing that handcrafted jewelry & beads by "JoAnn herself" would be sold at affordable prices? Maybe I just don't know how important this JoAnn lady is, being that I'm a guy and not really plugged into the jewelry world. But, if she's selling her homemade goods in "the living room," I'm going to guess that affordable prices should have been implied in this situation.

Thank you for your cooperation!!!

As if screaming "Thank you for your cooperation!!!" wasn't enough, this medical clinic made sure you would understand by providing the image of two people kind of, almost, nearly shaking hands.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thank you for coming to work today...!

I've never seen an exclamation point come after such a long pause. Costco seems to be really excited that their employees are showing up to work, but only after they've already finished about half of their shift.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Everything Goes!!!

I know they seem like they really mean it with the triple exclamation point, all caps (except, oddly, for the "i"), and mega underlining, but I can't help but feel that not everything is going to go during this sale in downtown Martinez, CA.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Raffle!!!!! Raffle!!!!!

This one was just too funny. Five exclamation points, twice????? The best part for me is that the raffle itself is so exciting that it gets a total of ten exclamation points, and yet the prize of the "SF 49ERS BASKET" gets nothing.

Turn Lights Off!!

I don't know why, but it cracked me up to picture this person printing out an 8.5X11 sheet with like 50 of these excessively exclamated statements, and then cutting them all out and taping them all around the office as little reminders to keep those damn lights off. Dedication to the cause of excessive exclamation!! Also, it makes me a little nervous to turn the lights on when I feel like I need them!

Do Not Prop Door Open!!!

The triple exclamation point may show how serious this sign is commanding you, however, I think it is the needless capitalization of each word in the statement that would get me into action.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday and Saturday only!!

If the first exciting statement deserved an exclamation, surely the next statement deserved two!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

We're very serious about this discount!

Don't even think about trying to get that 5% at any other time!!!

Get Used!Books

What is with these mid-statement exclamation points that keep popping up? Are you yelling "Get used!" And then whispering "books"?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I look forward to speaking with you!

I love trying to fit the actual rules of exclamation points into the various pictures we get. While I understand that the apartment manager was trying to show her excitement about wanting to speak with you with this unnecessary exclamation, I like to think it falls more under the more appropriate use of showing astonishment, as in, if she actually looked forward to speaking with you, it would be quite astonishing!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I can't even venture a guess at what these guys were trying to do with that exclamation point.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Our First Bumper Sticker!

You know how F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "An exclamation point is like laughing at your own jokes"? I think this little bumper sticker would fall under that category. No amount of excessive exclamation points can make this little sticker funny enough to slap on your vehicle...unless you drive a beat up pickup, I guess.

Get All Your Cash Now!

I'm not sure why they want me to get all my cash so bad, but their implied commanding tone has convinced me to head to the ATM pronto and take it all out!

Don't even think about skimping here!

This pizza shop seems so serious about strongly commanding that their customers not skimp, that it would make me nervous to eat there. I'd feel so worried that maybe I was skimping without realizing it, and I wouldn't want to face the consequences.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Holidays Are Here!!!

Just when you think the holidays aren't stressful enough, you have someone screaming in your face, commanding you to sit back and truly enjoy your hot cocoa and slippers!!!! Relax.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Not only is the triple exclamation point on the added "coming soon" completely excessive, but a coworker pointed out that "iPhones!" actually looks more like "Phones" with Spanish language exclamations (front and back). I like that.


As far as retail stores go, "Big!Lots" may have the market cornered when it comes to excessive exclamation.

Thank you!!!

Wikipedia says that exclamation points are meant to show strong feelings or indicate high volume (shouting). I love to picture the owner of this watch repair shop just screaming "THANK YOU!!!" into the face of his confused customers.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Attention All Employees!!!!!

Not only is this our first example of a quintuple exclamation point, but I also appreciate the first line of the memo, "All employees with Kaiser insurance is eligible..." Someone with that kind of grammar isn't going to get my attention, even with all those commanding punctuations.

Gentleman: Please Direct Your Urine!!!!

I officially have a new favorite. It has everything! It is passive aggressive, it is hilariously directed at a specific "Gentleman" rather than all the gentlemen who may frequent the facilities, and it has the most exclamation points of any offering we have had so far. Classic.

(Submitted by "Ready Freddy")

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's A World Wide Epidemic.

Even the Russians can't escape the excessive exclamation, as seen on this leaf, which was a small piece of a broader "What Are You Thankful For" tree, seen at a day care center.

Check Your Head!!!????

If you are going to venture into the realm of excessive punctuation, at least match it up a little better. Three exclamation points and then four question marks? Add in that picture in between, and this whole flyer is just completely bizarre.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


As if the red font and underlined word wouldn't have been enough to impact just how strong this command was. I'm really starting to get worried about the student dentists at UCSF.

And Yet "Caution" Has No Exclamation Point!

My favorite thing about this sign on the door of a dentist x-ray room was that the room was not in use, and the door was not closed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Let's resolve our dispute!!!

A nice little handwritten triple. I would think the first step to reconciliation with a neighbor would be to keep your cool. Having this kind of emotional outburst on the instructions for reconciliation with a neighbor just doesn't seem like a good place to start.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Your Vote...It Counts!!!

I know the Teamsters are going through some rough times with this economy, but an emotional outburst like this isn't going to get the votes coming in.

Believe them, these are extremely cool!!

Again, I don't find postcards from a record store to be terribly exciting or evoking any strong emotions, but then again, who the hell am I?

Stepping on this is an emotional experience!

This may be my favorite example of excessive exclamation the blog has ever seen. I'm sorry, but I don't find anything exciting about a bath mat.

Please, dear God, please!!!

I know you don't want food, drinks, pets, or pictures taken in your store, but do you have to get so crazy demanding about it? I guess the triple exclamation actually doesn't help deter us criminals, as I took the picture, which is clearly against the store rules!!!

I can't help but end all things with a !

It may be a little hard to see, but almost every statement, sentance, and word are followed by an exclamation point on this little flyer. It's as if the period button was broken on the person's keyboard. Classic example of truly excessive exclamation.

Gift someone a smile!!

Here is our first example of a double double! In two different spots on this flyer we get excessive exclamation, and I can't help but enjoy how emotional the form is getting about "gifting someone a smile!!"

Make sure not to walk!!

I realize that there is only one exclamation point here, but the statement was just too funny to pass up.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Our first ever triple!!!

The fact that this was seen outside of a bowling alley makes me think that maybe they did need to use three exclamation points just to convince us that bowling alley food could be "gourmet."

Wait, you pay $ for motorcycles?!?!

You've got to love the double exclamation point on something that doesn't really even seem worthy for a single.

The best soup in the world!!

I like soup and all, but is the fact that this Safeway is cooking soup really that exciting?

What's your promise?!

Maybe they are being so emphatic because they want you to look beyond the fact that they haven't even told you what their promise is.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Our first multiple exclamation point!!

This is the gold standard for our little website. The message on the door of this Greek joint is perfect in so many ways.

sorry, and THANK YOU!

It may be that the exclamation points are appropriate, it may be that they aren't. But a sign this small having four exclamation points just has to be excessive.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We're all out of cups!!

There are two things I like about this one. First, the exclamation point could be appropriate, if it represents the owner's anger about having to continuously remind people to bring their own cups because the coffee shop doesn't have any of their own. Second, I appreciate that the exclamation point is used after the acronym, but not in the explanation of the acronym underneath.

Monday, October 10, 2011

And we mean ALL!

It seems less like a factual statement about the prices they beat, and more like an emotional outburst that makes me think maybe they don't beat all prices.

(Submitted by "Ready Freddy")

Monday, October 3, 2011

Take it...or else!

I don't think mothers appreciate being talked to this way...especially by cleaning products.

The Banana Demands It!

This banana is either way too demanding, or it just gets a little overly emotional about trying to convince you to eat (more) fruit.